
SECURE 2.0 Update | Looking Ahead

Some provisions of SECURE 2.0 have already taken effect, and more will become effective soon. For plan sponsors, preparation is the key. Starting early allows for a thorough consideration of how SECURE 2.0 provisions may impact enrollment, contributions, and other aspects of your 401(k) plan. This will help you align your plan with regulatory requirements while continuing to meet both employer and employee needs.

7 Questions to Help Optimize Your 401(k) Plan

Let’s explore some of the critical elements of workplace retirement plans.

Our goal is to equip you with the knowledge you need to evaluate your current 401(k) plan with clarity and confidence, helping you make the best choices for your business and employees. We'll guide you through pro tips for identifying a healthy plan, discuss recent legislative changes, and introduce fresh innovations.

Whether you are evaluating your current plan or just curious about how to improve your retirement plan experience, we're here to help.

What's Going on in Washington?

Exploring current ERISA and DOL areas of interest

In a significant move by the Department of Labor (DOL), new regulations are being rolled out that may impact your ERISA compliance and retirement plan administration. Learn how these changes could influence your retirement plan, discover Washington's initiatives, and prepare your company effectively.

Exploring In-Plan Retirement Income Solutions

To help prevent potential retirement delays, consider retirement income solutions to boost participants’ confidence in their future financial security.

Both employers and employees have a growing interest in in-plan retirement income solutions. With 66% of participants concerned about creating an income stream in retirement, this shows a signification interest in retirement planning tools that can convert savings into lifetime income.[1]

Offering in-plan retirement income solutions is one way to help participants plan for financial stability in retirement in order to retire on time. Why focus on in-plan retirement income solutions, and why now? Here’s what you need to know.


Boosting Retirement Confidence for Near-Retirees

Employees late in their careers need information that helps smooth the transition into retirement

We are entering the “Great Retirement” era, where tens of thousands are hitting retirement age daily. By 2030, the entire baby boomer generation will be 65 or older. These hard-working and resilient employees were the first to experience the shift from guaranteed pension plans to defined contribution plans such as 401(k)s. With retirement in sight, near-retirees are a key target audience for financial wellness programs. 

Boosting Retirement Confidence for Near-Retirees

Late in their careers, employees need information that helps smooth the transition into retirement.


We are entering the “Great Retirement” era, where tens of thousands are hitting retirement age daily. By 2030, the entire baby boomer generation will be 65 or older. These hard-working and resilient employees were the first to experience the shift from guaranteed pension plans to defined contribution plans such as 401(k)s. With retirement in sight, near-retirees are a key target audience for financial wellness programs. 

Overcoming Mid-Career Retirement Savings Hurdles

Practical tips for Gen X and Millennial workers to save for retirement.

Life in the middle can be a pickle—ask any mid-career employee. They're often caught between a rock and a hard place, or, more accurately, a kid's college fund and an aging parent's medical bills. Add to that the rising cost of living, and you've got a perfect storm for financial stress. 

Helping Early - Career Employees Navigate the Saving Maze

Ways to boost financial confidence and loyalty for Gen Z employees

Have you ever found yourself pondering the classic "If only I could rewind the clock and share some pearls of wisdom with my younger self" scenario? As an employer, you have the chance to share this knowledge with your employees, especially when it comes to saving for the future.

Is it Time to Benchmark Your Company's Retirement Plan?

While your 401(k) plan may not have a chirping reminder, regular reviews, fee benchmarking, and a prudent process are key.

Just as we routinely replace the batteries in our smoke detectors, it's equally crucial to give your company's 401(k) plan the attention it deserves.

Unlocking Tax Relief & Employee Appreciation: The Power of Profit Sharing

Profit sharing is not just a tool to reduce your company's tax liability; it is also a powerful means of expressing gratitude towards your employees.

As we close the books on last year, employers often find themselves looking for ways to lower their impending tax bills. At the same time, companies are trying to retain and reward top talent. Is there a strategy that accomplishes both? Absolutely, and it's known as profit sharing. This tax-efficient strategy can serve as a power tool for expressing employee appreciation and has the potential to improve morale, engagement, and loyalty.